Buchen Sie einen veganen Koch

Verbreite die Liebe.

  • Seit 2021 koche ich für Veranstaltungen, Kurse und Retreats – auf Anfrage.

    „De Schnäller isch de Gschwinder.“

    Auf dieser Reise hatte und habe ich das Glück, mit wunderbaren Seelen zusammenzuarbeiten (lesen Sie die Erfahrungsberichte), die inspirierende Räume schaffen, die die Menschen irgendwie mehr mit sich selbst verbinden.

    Lassen Sie mich einige meiner wichtigsten Küchenwerte mit Ihnen teilen:

    • Ausschliessliches Arbeiten mit pflanzlichen Produkten – keine Produkte tierischen Ursprungs
    • Möglichst regional, saisonal, biologisch und vollwertig
    • Verwenden Sie, wann immer möglich, Vollwertfette (wenn ich isoliertes Öl verwende, entscheide ich mich für Olivenöl)
    • Verliebt in das Backen von Sauerteigbroten

    Beat’s Küche

    Die Inspiration für meine Gerichte kann von meinen Reisen, einem Video oder von einem Besuch bei einem Freund herrühren. Von überall her.

    Meine Gerichte-Antennen sind immer auf Empfang für neue Konzepte und Geschmacksrichtungen.

    Ich würde mich daher als internationalen Koch bezeichnen.

    Lassen Sie sich überraschen.

    Alles was ich brauche…

    …ist eine funktionierende Küche, die Anzahl der Teilnehmer*innen und mögliche Lebensmittelallergien/-unverträglichkeiten.

    Und um den Rest kümmere ich mich, damit Sie sich auf das konzentrieren können, was Sie am besten können.

    Details über meine Konditionen.

    Spüren Sie Resonanz?

    Lassen Sie uns ein Gespräch darüber beginnen, wie ich Ihnen helfen kann, Ihre Vision zu manifestieren.

    Was Kollaborator*innen sagen

  • Carmen and Christian
    Fully Alive – Breath, Sound, Movement

    We have worked with Beat for altogether 7 retreats of 4 to 6 days between the summer of 2021 and January 2024 – and we hope there will be more to come!

    Our retreats are intensive transformative spaces for groups between 10 and 20 participants, and the food Beat created offered an immensely joyful anchor for everyone – the participants, but also us as space-holders.

    We get inspired every time by the quality, the flavour, the attention to presentation, and the variety of meals. When organizing a retreat where Beat is in charge of the kitchen, we know we have the physical nourishment covered, and we can totally relax around the topic of food.

    Our collaboration has always been defined by a rare mixture between warmth and efficiency, professionalism and friendship, structure and flow. Beat holds a calm and clear space for the kitchen helpers that usually support our retreats, and people greatly enjoy spending time with him in the kitchen. He also regularly contributes to our retreats with his musical gifts – and most of all, with his presence.
    To sum it up, it has been – and we are sure will continue to be – a great pleasure to collaborate with Beat.

  • Gabriel Pfändler
    Head of Institution InsLot

    Beat is cooking for our Therapeutic Center on a regular basis for more than a year (once or twice per week).

    His creative vegan cooking skills are impressive, and the dishes are well-balanced, beautifully set up and very tasty.

    Beat works very independently, reliably and adapts flexibly to different conditions (number of guests, availability of food).

    What we also appreciate about Beat is his sensitive and attentive nature, which makes it easy for him to integrate into the team and the community.

  • Annabelle
    Co-Founder of Pathways Courses

    Collaborating with Beat is such a pleasure! His calm, joyful attitude and nourishing food add so much value to our courses.

    I really appreciate Beat for his ability of preparing a wonderful variety of delicious meals out of simple, healthy, locally sourced ingredients. 

    His peaceful presence, musical interludes, and warm smile contribute to a welcoming atmosphere in and around the kitchen.

    Additionally to his nurturing dishes and gentle personality, I am grateful for a shared working culture of clear communication, flexibility, and mutual appreciation.

  • Selina Lucarelli
    Co-organiser of the WorldEthicForum (WEFo) 2023

    At the WorldEthicForum, our vision is to support social-ecological transformation across sectors, topics, and disciplines grounded in an ethic that we call radically shared aliveness. We aim to meet the era of polycrises and surmounting disasters with a shared and embodied culture of care and kinship, that entails collective responsibility, deepening awareness for the interconnectedness and meaningful aligned action in diverse bioregions.

    Our 2023 gathering was graced by the presence of Beat, who served as a cook. He ensured that a group of more than 40 Firekeepers and our extended team of 20 people, had not only enough to eat, but were deeply nourished. His commitment to sourcing food from responsible suppliers, including gebana, local organic vegetable providers, and surplus vegetables from organic farms, truly reflected our values. Post-event, Beat’s initiative to set up a temporary farm shop for the remaining produce showcased his creativity.

    Within the kitchen, Beat not only curated an exceptional space for helpers but also demonstrated composure and flexibility in overcoming challenges creatively with everyone involved.

    We want to once more highlight the delicious taste of the food and the love that he and the whole kitchen team poured into it.